Trackaholic wrote:Woah, woah, WOAH. Stop it, hold your horses. I think my point went over your head, my bad though I guess I wasnt clear enough. I never said your "sob story" african child was deserving of his disease, that really WOULD be fucked up. I agree with you. Rather, what I said was that the sins of other men have brung about these diseases and the strife of the world. These children are merely victims of mankinds sin. Not of gods individualistic wrath. I also said, that the mere fact that we are all alive and not thrown into hellfire at this very moment is the GREATEST LOVE, COMPASSION AND MERCY god could offer to us all! A mercy only a divine being like god could impart upon this sinful world! but you ignored that whole section of my paragraph.
God is willing to force innocent children to suffer, because other men have sinned? Even though he easily has the power to stop the suffering, he still chooses that the child should suffer? I don't see how it can be anything but individualistic wrath, if gods power is infinite, and he has control over every single action, how can curing a child of AIDS be out of his reach?
Because gods mercy extends as far as letting the child live in the first place. Remember adam and eve. they brung all this suffering about by eating from the tree of knowledge and disobeying god. All sin is merely the disobediance of god. Before adam and eve partook of the tree of knowledge, there was no strife, no disease, nothing but joy and happiness.
But then adam sinned, the original sin, the sin that is only cleansed from us through baptism. And ever since mankind has sin an defiled against god. If god were to give every innocent child in the world the ebola virus and let them all writh in agony and die, he would be justified laggy. For we killed his only son, and are worthy of nothing but hellfire. Yes, even the little children laggy, for they are not perfect, they are not saints. Instead of sitting here, despising god for what he has done laggy. why dont you realize that these children are dying because of the sins you and your forefathers commited? Why dont you become a missionary, and go and baptize these children and cleanse them of sin so that when they do succumb to their diseases, they will go to everlasting eternal life in heaven?
No, you would rather sit here and have angst against god, you dont really want to help the children, you just want to blame god, you want to remove the guilt from your shoulders and place it on gods shoulders. God will not save those children, for we killed HIS child. The lord is a jealous god, and he is rightly so.
The thing is laggy, your assuming we all deserve to live, and that god operates under some sort of "innocent until proven guilty after death" modus operandi. You deserve to die, laggy, and go to hell. So do I, so does EVERYONE ON THIS EARTH. So did the saints, so did the heathens, so did every man who ever walked upon this earth and partook of its sinfulness. Do you deny this laggy? do you feel that you, or maybe others, are worthy of everlasting life in the kingdom of heaven. That would be the supreme naivete!
I deserve to die? Why? Why do I deserve eternal torture? You're dam right I deny it!! I don't think my friends deserve to die, I don't think my family deserves to die, I don't think you or anyone else on this forums deserves to die. What have I done?
Easy, do you deny you have never sinned? Do you deny you have never disobeyed the ten commandments? thats all it takes laggy. The stain of one sin and one blasphemy against god makes us worthy of hellfire. To avoid it, we must obey the ten commandments, recieve holy communion, be baptised (the only way to cleanse the original sin of adam), and to go to confession with a truly penetant heart. (You cannot simply confess a sin if you do not intend to stop doing that sin, if you confess that you stole something, but you dont intend to stop stealing, that confession is void, for it is not a real confession.)
You deserve to die, laggy, and go to hell. So do I, so does everyone on this earth....
But yet, god does not smite us, and send us all to hell.
Divine mercy and love, thats why.
That kind of attitude makes me sick. Well, not sick, but sad. I love life, and I love humans.
Dont try that sanctimonius bullshit on me laggy. I dont deny you love life and humans, but you are not a saint. you are a sinner like me. Lots of people I know have lived moral lives. Good, decent people. My mates, my family. My grandpa wasn't religious, and he was a great man. He was kind, funny, always made me happy to be around. My friends are all great people, I love them and respect them all. My Dad is out here in the middle of the desert, away from all his family save my sister, working so that he can support us. He's a fucking hero. Nothing would even make me think for a second that these people are bad people. It's why I'm so frustrated by religion. It tells me that all my family, my friends, are pieces of utterly worthless trash, only being allowed to live because they might be forgiven by this super natural being. Evil, posionous bullshit.
If you love them so, you will make sure they get baptized, you will make sure they recieve holy communion, you will make sure they go to confession. otherwise they will go to hell, along with you. You should be glad, before jesus died on the cross, you would, as well as your entire family, already be doomed for hell, no matter what you did.
If a person is good and charitable his entire life, but denys god and does not recieve baptism or holy communion. he is going to hell. end of story.
End of story.