Trackaholic wrote: Just Because wrote: Trackaholic wrote: Just Because wrote: AudienceOfOne wrote: Just Because wrote: Trackaholic wrote:Just because, If you dont believe your beliefs or convictions are firm enough to withstand our debate, if you dont believe you have the intellect to counter our arguments, then fine, go do important things somewhere important.
I assure you that i have no problem keeping up to your level of intelligence. Just because I don't have the time to debate these issues in depth doesn't mean i don't have the capacity to do so. That being said, talk about something I deeply care about and you are sure to get quite a few more posts out of me. If not, then you will get a couple stating my opinion.
if religion isn't important to you, what is?
Starving kids in Africa
The Environment
Animal Cruelty
The importance of honesty and integrity in positions of power/Role Model figure
The only religion that i have issues with is Islam. The other major ones don't really matter to me.
Correct me if I am wrong, but it seems to me CHRISTIAN missionaries having be doing more to stop all of those issues than your probably ever will in your life. Did you send a dollar to the Operation Smile Just Because? Did you get your little envelope with a picture of kid smiling after you sent it? Are you always the first one to put your loose change into the salvation army troops collection baskets?
I cant stand it when people try to pull the "I'm sorry I can't debate with you right now, im too busy crying over the poor starving children in africa!"
Only when you go out to fucking africa yourself, only when you spend a YEAR living with those children in the same smelly huts and eating the same shitty food and going through all the same shit they do, then will I take that kind crap from you. Better yet? become a missionary! go feed those children! go build homes for them! Check back with me after you do that, then maybe will I take my hat off to you.
We all feel for the starving kids in africa and the animals and the godamn enviroment, just because. your not a saint among heathens, dont act like it.
And in the end, religon (not neccesarily christianity) plays a huge factor in all those issues anyway, save maybe for the enviroment.
What are you talking about? When in my previous post did i ever say i deserved praise? I listed a few issues that i care about. Why the fuck do you have to be a little bitch about everything I say? You have no idea who I am, what I do, etc.
If you want to play this little game then fine. Go blow up an abortion clinic. You don't want to? Then you don't give a shit. Spend a few years in Jail for your cause and then I will believe you to be more righteous you little piece of shit.
Till then..STFU
Oh that makes sense, go blow up and kill people in abortion clinic because your opposed to killing people.
The whole point of my post was that YOU were insinuating that you were the "big man" concerned with "real" issues while everyone else here debating was wasting their time debating "trivial" issues.
Well I personally believe a persons faith, beliefs, and or convictions DEFINES them for who tehy are, and if a man won't fight for his faith, beliefs, and or convictions, what kind of person are they? A soulless, convictionless one that only concerns himself with universal beliefs (that starving children in africa is wrong, I am pretty sure EVERYONE agrees with that) but does not take the time to pursue personal beliefs(god, athiesm, etc).
EVERYONE HERE IS JUST AS CONCERNED WITH THOSE ISSUES AS YOU ARE JUST BECAUSE. Only, not everyone here uses those issues as an EXCUSE to not debate his beliefs like YOU do. You are using the premise of starving children in africa as the reason you are unable to debate your beliefs! What? does the idea that children are starving in africa make you so emotionally unstable that you cannot coherently debate with us?
Or are you simply TO GOOD to debate with us? because your all high and mighty and concerned about the enviroment.
cause thats how you came off.
You obviously do not care about your beliefs, ideals, convictions, and or faith enough to fight for them. so you try and use starving children in africa as an excuse not to. real nice.
your just a bloody coward is all.