Does it matter what days you double on? For example, would it be better to double on a 20-30 min tempo day to get more mileage in because the tempo won't result in many miles? Or does it not matter?
EDIT: Another question that I didn't want to make a new thread for. Since I'm skipping Cross Country (read the Skipping Cross Country thread for more info) that leaves with me 7ish months of base. Would it be beneficial to instead of just constantly building up, to build up for a couple months, then drop down for 2ish weeks as kind of a "recovery" then build back up higher? I don't want to A: Peak early, or B: Burn out...
EDIT: Another question that I didn't want to make a new thread for. Since I'm skipping Cross Country (read the Skipping Cross Country thread for more info) that leaves with me 7ish months of base. Would it be beneficial to instead of just constantly building up, to build up for a couple months, then drop down for 2ish weeks as kind of a "recovery" then build back up higher? I don't want to A: Peak early, or B: Burn out...