We clearly need tighter restrictions on credit in this country. It's why we're in the state we're currently in. Look at this chart for instance:
Debt really starts to pick up in the beginning of the 1970s. Do you think it's any coincidence that that's when credit cards became a big thing? Probably not. Also many of the companies that have recently failed did so because they gave out loans to everyone, including those with poor credit histories. I think we need to be very careful of who we give a credit card or a loan to; it should probably be a very select few. If we don't do this the debt will continue to pile up until it is insurmountable.
Debt really starts to pick up in the beginning of the 1970s. Do you think it's any coincidence that that's when credit cards became a big thing? Probably not. Also many of the companies that have recently failed did so because they gave out loans to everyone, including those with poor credit histories. I think we need to be very careful of who we give a credit card or a loan to; it should probably be a very select few. If we don't do this the debt will continue to pile up until it is insurmountable.